Further investigation.

Continued research and finalisation of topic.
Understand, Define, Ideate.

Today we had a debate regarding each topic.

I made mind maps and pros and cons lists to funnel out words that described my point of view on this topic. Based off these points found images that related to these words and came to realise that these images are like what I see from my day to day life.

It made me realise that there are strong points for both for and against social media being anti-social, however,  I like to think that in our day in time social media is making us anti-social because of the phenomenon its become and how people are becoming blind to the affect it's having, causing us to change and are failing to retain certain interpersonal skills.

The social media being anti-social debate and gathered information allowed me to pick and finalise my topic choice.  The relevance and the affect this phenomenon made me passionate about this topic because it is happening right in front of us and it will only grow unless mind views, social behaviour and attitudes are changed!
Mindmap about social media and the negative effect it has.
Pros and Cons list.
Words list based of information gathered.

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